
Wiki:Thiscost-effectivedigitalwaterproofambientlightsensorhasanIP68ratingandprovidesstabledetectionoflightintensitywithin1-65535lxin ...,TheIPcodeoringressprotectioncodeindicateshowwelladeviceisprotectedagainstwateranddust.ItisdefinedbytheInternationalElectrotechnical ...,2015年5月3日—有時候也被叫做「防水等級」「防塵等級」等,這個等級表定義了機械和電子設備能提供針對固態異物進入(包括身體部位如...

Gravity: I2C Waterproof Ambient Light Sensor 1

Wiki: This cost-effective digital waterproof ambient light sensor has an IP68 rating and provides stable detection of light intensity within 1-65535lx in ...

IP code

The IP code or ingress protection code indicates how well a device is protected against water and dust. It is defined by the International Electrotechnical ...

IP67IP68 代表什麼? 一次看懂《IP 防水防塵等級表》

2015年5月3日 — 有時候也被叫做「防水等級」「防塵等級」等,這個等級表定義了機械和電子設備能提供針對固態異物進入(包括身體部位如手指,灰塵,砂礫等),液態滲入, ...


IP68是連接器防水等級標準的最高級別。大家都知道,看防水連接器防水性能如何,主要看IPXX的後面兩位數字XX,第一位X是從0到6,最高等級為6;第2位X是從0到8,最高等級為8 ...


Gigaset PRO - Public Wiki · Pages. Page tree. Loading ... ip68-housing-for-dect. PDF. No labels. Overview. Content Tools. Tasks. Powered by ...

Protection class IP67 and IP68

The IP protection class indicates how well an electrical device, for example a smartphone, is protected against the ingress of foreign bodies.


國際防護等級認證(International Protection Marking, IEC 60529)亦稱作異物防護等級(Ingress Protection Rating)或IP代碼(IP Code)。有時候也被叫做「防水 ...